Garden City Fire District
Board Meeting
October 17, 2013
Board members in Attendance: Terry Allen, Randall Knight, Perry Wakefield, Christina Gracey, Travis Hobbs
Others in Attendance: See roll
Approval of Past Minutes: Motion to approve September 23 special meeting minutes by Christina, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous. Motion to approve September 19 board meeting minutes with Randall’s changes by Perry, 2nd by Christina, vote was unanimous. Motion to approve the September 30 special meeting minutes with Randall’s changes by Randall, 2nd by Perry. Motion to approve the September 23 closed session minutes by Travis, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous.
Items for Follow-Up:
Wildland Grant: There will be four sets of turnouts ordered, 2 of them will be generic sizes. There will also be 6 shelters, 6 sets of Wildland gear ordered.
Funds from Propane Tanker, Car Hauler, Breakfast: The fire fighters are still deciding what they want to purchase with these funds. This will be discussed again at a future meeting.
Electronic Meetings: There was some confusion on the electronic meetings as to whether they would count as attendance at a meeting. The decision has been made that there need to be at least 3 board members in the building in order to have the meeting. The policy will be re-written to make this clear and attendance will only be counted if the board member is physically in attendance. Special meetings will not count toward attendance.
DMV Records: Dan was under the impression that the district could get the records, however research has revealed that the fire fighters would need to get it personally and bring it back to the district. The district will then reimburse any cost with a receipt. Dan asked how the district can make it happen. He has stated that there are requirements and the fire fighters don’t always keep up on that. Mike mentioned that it is important and they should monitor it and then give the fire fighters 30 days to get the report turned in. Travis asked what the regulations would be. Mike stated that the regulations will be in the drug testing policy. Travis stated that he is opposed to requiring it until the board has seen the actually policies. Mike stated that the policies are still a work in progress. Terry stated that the board had already voted previously to make this part of the policy. Dan stated that the substance abuse policy has been written up. He gave a draft copy to the members of the board. The motor vehicle one will be written up next. The records won’t be required until the policy is actually in force. Terry asked the board members to read the draft drug testing policy and then the board will discuss it in November. He also asked Mike to have a draft of the DMV policy emailed to the board before the next meeting.
Drug Testing: See DMV Records
Budget Hearing and Amendment: Put off for next meeting
Website Update: Joey has been working on the new website. Dan stated the pictures aren’t coming up clearly. The new website address is
Fire Chief Employment: Has been posted in 3 newspapers, the post office, city office and website, and the fire district office and website. It will be posted for 30 days and then the board will proceed with the decision. Dan’s last day is Friday and Mike will take over as interim chief at that time.
Christmas Party (Action Item): The opportunity to bid was given to Coopers, Jim McLaughlin, Paris Cafe, and Bear Trapper. The budget hearing will be held at 5 pm on December 4, and the party will be held at 7pm. Perry stated that the Bear Trapper was the cheapest and the only complaint he heard was that the booths would not work very well. He would like to go there. In the past the dinner was actually held in the pizza building to make room for tables. Christina stated that the board had discussed alternating to be fair. Even though they are a little cheaper, it might be better to alternate. Randall stated that he would have a hard time justifying going anywhere else when the price was much lower at the Bear Trapper. Last year the cheapest bid was not taken. Rather, they tried to move it around. However, there is a large difference in prices this year. Terry stated that they have not been to the Paris Grill before, and their price was about mid-range, comparable to the others. They also have plenty of room for everyone. Travis stated he does feel it should move around, provided the bids are close. Unfortunately Coopers is quite a bit more. Travis wanted to make sure they were bidding similar menus. Terry stated that he did ask them to bid the same and even told them about what was paid last year. Motion to have the Christmas Party at the Paris Grill by Christina, 2nd by Travis, vote was unanimous. Terry will contact them.
Homeland Security (discussion): Terry had a short meeting with Bryce Nielsen. He wants to make sure that with the changes in Fire Chief that the district continues to have a good relationship with the Homeland Security. He also wanted to make sure that the building arrangements would remain the same. Bryce does bring a lot of money into the county, so the board would like to continue working with him. The board was all in agreement.
Secretarial Duties (Action Item): Randall is the new secretary and wanted to make sure his duties were clear. He has taken the GRAMA certification training and has received the certification. The board had asked previously whether the secretarial duties that Dan has been handling should be moved back to the secretary. Randall stated that he had been working with Dan and Mike already. Randall will check with the board members to see if they need to add anything to the agenda and then work with the chief to get the agenda typed up and posted.
Lockable Secretary File Cabinet (Action Item): This was discussed at a previous meeting and the board all felt it was necessary. Chris Coray mentioned that the University has surplus sales all the time and this could be purchased by public entities. Randall will be going to Logan tomorrow and will stop by to look.
Draft Budget (Review): Dan, Mike, Tiffany, and Christina met and put together a draft budget based on the 2013 actual and recommendations by Dan and Mike as to items they would like to see accomplished.
Building Repairs-budgeted for carpet, windows and a little paint
Communications-this has been the same for the last several years
Retirement Expense-bumped up a little for the increase rates
Equipment Repairs-has been at this cost each of the last 3 years
Equipment replacement-
Fire Chief Salary-matches the posting
Insurance-bumped up a little for increased rates
Miscellanous-plug figure to balance the budget
PPE-planned to purchase 2 SCBAs each year, will need at least 4 to outfit a team, there are 10 that will eventually need to be replaced
Winter Fire School-budgeted for 6 guys, with each one having a fuel card
Training-bumped up a little to allow sending guys to Bridgerland if there are only 1 or 2 who want the training
CPA fees-same as 2013
Utilities-bumped a little based on the 2013 actual
Vehicle Fuel-lowered based on 2013 actual, Randall asked why this would be lower when prices have gone up. The 2013 was only $4200 and the budget was $8000. There is still a cushion.
Randall asked about budgeting for the grants and compensation for fires. Travis asked about putting money into the vehicle funds. There is $27,000 budgeted for equipment replacement and if this was not spent, then the remaining amount could be put into that PTIF. Also,
Web site (Input): Joe Stocking asked if the board would like to get their own hosting, which would cost about $5 per month, or he could handle the hosting for about $6 per month. Also, Joe has built the website. If they want him to maintain it would be $24 per month, which would give about 2 hours. Any additional would be at $30/hour. He would also do it on an as needed basis for the $30 per hour instead. Joe can create login credentials for others to add photos, etc. Mike and Dan mentioned that the photos would need to be approved prior, and then they could be emailed to Joe to add it. Motion by Perry to have Joe do the hosting and continue the monthly maintenance for $30 per month. The total bill so far was $650. He will send an invoice over. Joe will work with Mike and will train on how to add minutes and do some general updating.
Grama Cert. Status: Randall has done the certification.
Department Operational Data Transfer: Randall wanted to know how the transition is going and whether Dan has given the important information. He has also changed the password.
Fireman of the Year: Perry wanted to know what the qualifications were. The fire chief, assistant chief, and captains make this decision based on attendance, commitment, attitude, etc. They will receive a
Vehicle/Equipment/Station Service Requests: Clutch fluid was low on Ladder 40. It has been filled. Engine is down in Salt Lake getting the transmission fixed. It keeps popping out of gear. Freightliner fixed a few items, but it continued to do it. It is now at a specialist, who has done some major repairs and will be test driving it tomorrow. Laketown has been bringing their engine on calls lately. The backup has worked well.
Purchase Requisitions: None this time. Reimbursements for wildland boots were paid to 2 fire fighters.
Equipment Status: See above. Also, ladder 40 battery was dead. Mike found a faulty switch on the battery bank and he was able to fix it.
Responses: 2 structure fires, 1 false alarm, 1 CO call, burn permits-3 received and 1 denied, 1 fire pit inspection, 6 medical assists
New or Miscellaneous Business: Randall has received 1 application for Fire Chief. The board asked Randall to hold onto all of them until they have all been received.
Terry stated that his term is up in January. He wondered if the board wanted to post it in November so that the decision can be made in December. Randall, Travis and Terry would all be up in December. Randall asked if he would need to reapply. The position would still be posted, he would apply and go through the same application. Randall asked Tom if they would be too busy to make a decision in December. Tom stated that they would like to get all the letters and a recommendation. Travis stated that the city had approached him about whether they would be able to appoint someone. Dan and Tiffany stated that their understanding is that any municipality lying within the district has the right to appoint one member. Tom Weston stated that his understanding is that the county appoints it. Tom Weston will contact the county attorney for clarification. The city was given the chance a few years ago and they refused. Travis would like to assign that appointment to a specific board member, whose term would be 4 years. They would not have the choice every time a position opens up. They were given the chance to appoint when Christina was appointed and they deferred to the county. Tom Weston will look into it. The board will post it on November 1.
Review and Approval of Current Expense Invoices
Motion to close the meeting by Perry, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous
Items for follow-up:
Wildland Grant
Funds from Propane Tanker, Car Hauler, Breakfast
Electronic Meeting (Policy rewritten and voted on)
Drug Testing
DMV Records
2013 Budget Amendment (Needs to be posted 7 days in advance)
Fire Chief Employment
2014 Draft Budget Approval
Board Member Positions (3 openings)
Nov 26 2013
October Fire Board minutes
Garden City Fire District
Board Meeting
October 17, 2013
Board members in Attendance: Terry Allen, Randall Knight, Perry Wakefield, Christina Gracey, Travis Hobbs
Others in Attendance: See roll
Approval of Past Minutes: Motion to approve September 23 special meeting minutes by Christina, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous. Motion to approve September 19 board meeting minutes with Randall’s changes by Perry, 2nd by Christina, vote was unanimous. Motion to approve the September 30 special meeting minutes with Randall’s changes by Randall, 2nd by Perry. Motion to approve the September 23 closed session minutes by Travis, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous.
Items for Follow-Up:
Wildland Grant: There will be four sets of turnouts ordered, 2 of them will be generic sizes. There will also be 6 shelters, 6 sets of Wildland gear ordered.
Funds from Propane Tanker, Car Hauler, Breakfast: The fire fighters are still deciding what they want to purchase with these funds. This will be discussed again at a future meeting.
Electronic Meetings: There was some confusion on the electronic meetings as to whether they would count as attendance at a meeting. The decision has been made that there need to be at least 3 board members in the building in order to have the meeting. The policy will be re-written to make this clear and attendance will only be counted if the board member is physically in attendance. Special meetings will not count toward attendance.
DMV Records: Dan was under the impression that the district could get the records, however research has revealed that the fire fighters would need to get it personally and bring it back to the district. The district will then reimburse any cost with a receipt. Dan asked how the district can make it happen. He has stated that there are requirements and the fire fighters don’t always keep up on that. Mike mentioned that it is important and they should monitor it and then give the fire fighters 30 days to get the report turned in. Travis asked what the regulations would be. Mike stated that the regulations will be in the drug testing policy. Travis stated that he is opposed to requiring it until the board has seen the actually policies. Mike stated that the policies are still a work in progress. Terry stated that the board had already voted previously to make this part of the policy. Dan stated that the substance abuse policy has been written up. He gave a draft copy to the members of the board. The motor vehicle one will be written up next. The records won’t be required until the policy is actually in force. Terry asked the board members to read the draft drug testing policy and then the board will discuss it in November. He also asked Mike to have a draft of the DMV policy emailed to the board before the next meeting.
Drug Testing: See DMV Records
Budget Hearing and Amendment: Put off for next meeting
Website Update: Joey has been working on the new website. Dan stated the pictures aren’t coming up clearly. The new website address is
Fire Chief Employment: Has been posted in 3 newspapers, the post office, city office and website, and the fire district office and website. It will be posted for 30 days and then the board will proceed with the decision. Dan’s last day is Friday and Mike will take over as interim chief at that time.
Christmas Party (Action Item): The opportunity to bid was given to Coopers, Jim McLaughlin, Paris Cafe, and Bear Trapper. The budget hearing will be held at 5 pm on December 4, and the party will be held at 7pm. Perry stated that the Bear Trapper was the cheapest and the only complaint he heard was that the booths would not work very well. He would like to go there. In the past the dinner was actually held in the pizza building to make room for tables. Christina stated that the board had discussed alternating to be fair. Even though they are a little cheaper, it might be better to alternate. Randall stated that he would have a hard time justifying going anywhere else when the price was much lower at the Bear Trapper. Last year the cheapest bid was not taken. Rather, they tried to move it around. However, there is a large difference in prices this year. Terry stated that they have not been to the Paris Grill before, and their price was about mid-range, comparable to the others. They also have plenty of room for everyone. Travis stated he does feel it should move around, provided the bids are close. Unfortunately Coopers is quite a bit more. Travis wanted to make sure they were bidding similar menus. Terry stated that he did ask them to bid the same and even told them about what was paid last year. Motion to have the Christmas Party at the Paris Grill by Christina, 2nd by Travis, vote was unanimous. Terry will contact them.
Homeland Security (discussion): Terry had a short meeting with Bryce Nielsen. He wants to make sure that with the changes in Fire Chief that the district continues to have a good relationship with the Homeland Security. He also wanted to make sure that the building arrangements would remain the same. Bryce does bring a lot of money into the county, so the board would like to continue working with him. The board was all in agreement.
Secretarial Duties (Action Item): Randall is the new secretary and wanted to make sure his duties were clear. He has taken the GRAMA certification training and has received the certification. The board had asked previously whether the secretarial duties that Dan has been handling should be moved back to the secretary. Randall stated that he had been working with Dan and Mike already. Randall will check with the board members to see if they need to add anything to the agenda and then work with the chief to get the agenda typed up and posted.
Lockable Secretary File Cabinet (Action Item): This was discussed at a previous meeting and the board all felt it was necessary. Chris Coray mentioned that the University has surplus sales all the time and this could be purchased by public entities. Randall will be going to Logan tomorrow and will stop by to look.
Draft Budget (Review): Dan, Mike, Tiffany, and Christina met and put together a draft budget based on the 2013 actual and recommendations by Dan and Mike as to items they would like to see accomplished.
Building Repairs-budgeted for carpet, windows and a little paint
Communications-this has been the same for the last several years
Retirement Expense-bumped up a little for the increase rates
Equipment Repairs-has been at this cost each of the last 3 years
Equipment replacement-
Fire Chief Salary-matches the posting
Insurance-bumped up a little for increased rates
Miscellanous-plug figure to balance the budget
PPE-planned to purchase 2 SCBAs each year, will need at least 4 to outfit a team, there are 10 that will eventually need to be replaced
Winter Fire School-budgeted for 6 guys, with each one having a fuel card
Training-bumped up a little to allow sending guys to Bridgerland if there are only 1 or 2 who want the training
CPA fees-same as 2013
Utilities-bumped a little based on the 2013 actual
Vehicle Fuel-lowered based on 2013 actual, Randall asked why this would be lower when prices have gone up. The 2013 was only $4200 and the budget was $8000. There is still a cushion.
Randall asked about budgeting for the grants and compensation for fires. Travis asked about putting money into the vehicle funds. There is $27,000 budgeted for equipment replacement and if this was not spent, then the remaining amount could be put into that PTIF. Also,
Web site (Input): Joe Stocking asked if the board would like to get their own hosting, which would cost about $5 per month, or he could handle the hosting for about $6 per month. Also, Joe has built the website. If they want him to maintain it would be $24 per month, which would give about 2 hours. Any additional would be at $30/hour. He would also do it on an as needed basis for the $30 per hour instead. Joe can create login credentials for others to add photos, etc. Mike and Dan mentioned that the photos would need to be approved prior, and then they could be emailed to Joe to add it. Motion by Perry to have Joe do the hosting and continue the monthly maintenance for $30 per month. The total bill so far was $650. He will send an invoice over. Joe will work with Mike and will train on how to add minutes and do some general updating.
Grama Cert. Status: Randall has done the certification.
Department Operational Data Transfer: Randall wanted to know how the transition is going and whether Dan has given the important information. He has also changed the password.
Fireman of the Year: Perry wanted to know what the qualifications were. The fire chief, assistant chief, and captains make this decision based on attendance, commitment, attitude, etc. They will receive a
Vehicle/Equipment/Station Service Requests: Clutch fluid was low on Ladder 40. It has been filled. Engine is down in Salt Lake getting the transmission fixed. It keeps popping out of gear. Freightliner fixed a few items, but it continued to do it. It is now at a specialist, who has done some major repairs and will be test driving it tomorrow. Laketown has been bringing their engine on calls lately. The backup has worked well.
Purchase Requisitions: None this time. Reimbursements for wildland boots were paid to 2 fire fighters.
Equipment Status: See above. Also, ladder 40 battery was dead. Mike found a faulty switch on the battery bank and he was able to fix it.
Responses: 2 structure fires, 1 false alarm, 1 CO call, burn permits-3 received and 1 denied, 1 fire pit inspection, 6 medical assists
New or Miscellaneous Business: Randall has received 1 application for Fire Chief. The board asked Randall to hold onto all of them until they have all been received.
Terry stated that his term is up in January. He wondered if the board wanted to post it in November so that the decision can be made in December. Randall, Travis and Terry would all be up in December. Randall asked if he would need to reapply. The position would still be posted, he would apply and go through the same application. Randall asked Tom if they would be too busy to make a decision in December. Tom stated that they would like to get all the letters and a recommendation. Travis stated that the city had approached him about whether they would be able to appoint someone. Dan and Tiffany stated that their understanding is that any municipality lying within the district has the right to appoint one member. Tom Weston stated that his understanding is that the county appoints it. Tom Weston will contact the county attorney for clarification. The city was given the chance a few years ago and they refused. Travis would like to assign that appointment to a specific board member, whose term would be 4 years. They would not have the choice every time a position opens up. They were given the chance to appoint when Christina was appointed and they deferred to the county. Tom Weston will look into it. The board will post it on November 1.
Review and Approval of Current Expense Invoices
Motion to close the meeting by Perry, 2nd by Randall, vote was unanimous
Items for follow-up:
Wildland Grant
Funds from Propane Tanker, Car Hauler, Breakfast
Electronic Meeting (Policy rewritten and voted on)
Drug Testing
DMV Records
2013 Budget Amendment (Needs to be posted 7 days in advance)
Fire Chief Employment
2014 Draft Budget Approval
Board Member Positions (3 openings)